Instructions for enabling JavaScript: MAC - Internet Explorer

  1. Click on the Edit pull-down menu on the top of the screen and select Preferences.
  2. You are now at the Internet Explorer Preferences panel or console. Under the heading of the first section of the panel called Web Browser, click on the Security Zones subsection.
    • On the lower right section of the panel, select, Custom (for expert users) by clicking the radio button next to it.
    • Then click on the Settings button.

  3. You will now see the Internet Zone panel. Scroll down until you see the Scripting section. Enable both Execute scripts and Execute scriptlets by selecting Enable from the pull-down menu next to them. Then click OK.
  4. You are now returned to the Internet Explorer Preferences panel. Click OK and you are all set!

  5. If this instructions window is still open, close it and click the Refresh button on your browser toolbar.
    JavaScript should now be enabled. You will need to re-enter the My Service Tracker website in the Address bar of your browser.